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At Red River Oil Company, we pride ourselves not only on our superior fuel delivery service but also on the remarkable people behind the wheel. We’re thrilled to shine a spotlight on Jerry Taylor, one of our finest drivers, who recently claimed 1st place in the Best-in-Class Category at the 2025 World of Wheels car show for his stunning 2016 Mustang Shelby GT350.

Jerry Taylor winning car show

Jerry has been a valued member of Red River Oil’s team for over 8 years, consistently going above and beyond to ensure our customers receive both reliable service and exceptional care. His dedication to his work has made him a favorite among customers, who appreciate his professionalism, commitment, and friendly demeanor.

When Jerry isn’t behind the wheel of one of our fuel trucks, you can find him behind the wheel of his prized Shelby GT350, showing off his passion for cars and competition. His recent victory at the World of Wheels car show in Shreveport, Louisiana is a true reflection of his drive for excellence, both professionally and personally. Whether it’s making deliveries or winning trophies, Jerry excels at everything he does.

We are proud to have Jerry as part of the Red River family, and we look forward to many more years of his outstanding service, both on the road and on the showroom floor. Congratulations, Jerry, on your well-deserved win!