Fuel Management Systems in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana
Manage Your In-House Fueling and Save Time and Money
When you’re a facility or operations manager, you have bigger things to deal with every day than your fuel levels. At Red River Oil Company, our goal is to take some time-consuming and tedious tasks off of your daily task list by providing an efficient, cost-effective fuel management system. A fleet fuel management system improves your fuel delivery, storage, and dispensation. We can help you save time and money and free up your focus and attention so that you can deal with the more important items on your to-do list. Call us today to learn more about our in-house fuel management systems in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.

What Is an Enterprise Fuel Management System?
An enterprise fuel management system can assess, evaluate, track, and provide real-time feedback and reporting on your fleet fuel usage. This can ultimately lower your fuel consumption, help you identify ways to save money and improve the efficiency of your company’s fuel delivery, storage, and usage. A customized fleet fuel management system can also improve the safety of your job site and reduce the risk of accidents and fuel theft. As a locally owned and operated company with over 100 years of combined experience in the industry, our goal is to assess and identify your company’s specific fuel needs so that we can design a customized solution that improves efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
What Does a Fuel Management System Do?
A customized fuel management system utilizes hardware and software to maintain an accurate, controlled fuel inventory. The system monitors the delivery, movement, and usage of stored fuel and helps manage effective and efficient fuel purchasing. Your fuel storage tanks will be monitored 24/7, and our system provides immediate notice of a leak or potential fuel theft. This mitigates your risk of serious damage and loss. Our custom fuel management systems also gauge the level of fuel in the storage tanks, record and report on fuel usage, analyze data to improve purchasing and inventorying and maintain compliance and accountability. Your fuel tank monitor usage history will give you real-time information on:
- Fuel delivery dates and times
- Amount of fuel delivered
- Tank levels before and after delivery
- The delivery driver’s identity
Fuel Management Hardware & Software
We utilize robust, secure hardware and software that allow you to monitor and manage fuel activities 24/7. Your information will be transmitted to a secure, easy-to-use dashboard where you can sort, filter, and generate reports based on a variety of factors about your fuel usage, purchasing, and inventory. You can also schedule automated reports that will be sent to key personnel at set times and create custom workflows that trigger events or notifications based on your needs, goals, and preferences. Our team can manage your dashboard for you, or you can do it yourself. Our reliable, carefully designed software can improve and streamline your fuel storage protocols, reduce downtime, and mitigate the risk of emergencies, equipment failure, theft, fraud, and leaks.
Common Fleet Fuel Management System Problems
Problems with your company’s fuel usage or storage can affect your company’s bottom line and your job. Our fleet fuel management systems offer a robust solution that mitigates risk and improves cost-effectiveness and efficiency. We can identify your strengths and weaknesses as well as common fuel management problems that affect companies of all sizes across industries:
- Fuel theft
- Fuel waste
- Fuel leaks and spills
- Fraud
- Rising fuel costs
Why Does Having a Standalone Fuel Management System Matter?
A standalone fuel management system can offer reliable, 24/7 information on your fuel storage levels, usage, and efficiency. This can lower your fuel costs and save you time and money. Our systems will give you accurate data regarding fuel usage so that you can budget and plan better, which means your time will be spent more productively. Having the right information about your fuel storage and consumption will make your business safer and more cost-effective. You can also automate your fuel ordering and delivery and minimize fuel waste and runouts.
Contact Red River Oil Company for Your Fuel Needs
At Red River Oil Company, we have decades of experience in the industry and offer effective, efficient solutions to the construction, oil, farming and agricultural, transportation, and manufacturing industries. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service, quality materials and solutions, and attention to detail. We build strong customer relationships and maintain them for years. We offer a wide range of services, including specialty fuel services, oils and lubricants, fuel tank rentals, fuel tank monitoring, gasoline additives, and fuel oil maintenance and filtration. We have three convenient locations to meet your needs in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. We work with companies of all sizes and develop individual, customized service plans that meet each client’s needs and budget. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a consultation for fuel management system implementation in the four states area.